Seravezza. Stefano Ruggia’s solo show at Scuderie Granducali: black works

In his latest works the artist wonders about the fate of humanity

The Scuderie Granducali is housing Stefano Ruggia’s “Black Omen” a solo show curated by Alessandro Bertozzi. The title encapsulates the double truth that the exhibition tries to reveal. On the one hand, it refers to the artist’s “Black” series of works; on the other, to an obscure omen for our biological and iconographic fate. The composite drifting islands that make up this series of works appear as clusters of microscopic vinyl resin objects that are some of his bestknown works. They symbolize rampant consumerism, social and demagogic apathy, socio political disputes, and that standardized and globalized culture that is typical of the XXI century, which is at the mercy of natural events more than we might think. These iconic ruins of our time, which are shaping our cultural identity much more than we could ever imagine, will give way to other iconic ruins, but with the certainty that they will never be forgotten.   

The works on display contain symbols of consumerism social apathy and mass culture

But what if this did not happen? Given that we are doomed to oblivion – in respect of a kind of progress that rarely leaves room for flaws – have we been wise enough, or even thoughtless enough, to be worthy of being remembered for what we really are, in a hundred years from now? And what about five hundred years? Or a thousand years? Or one hundred thousand years? Will the men of the future save something from our time, or will they look at our alien society, which is still worshipping meaningless idols, with uncertainty and detachment? In the face of an astonishingly long span of time in the history of man – if we consider only the events that were handed down to us, which at the moment embrace about 10,000 years – what will they think of this bizarre and multifaceted clutter of waste we consider so vital to our existence? “Black Omen” is an immediate reflection on what characterizes us as a society and as individuals, in the attempt to understand who we really are and whether we are really doing a good job. Not in a hundred thousand years, but now.

Black Omen

Scuderie Granducali
Curated by
Alessandro Bertozzi
Until 3/11 

The Author

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Francesco Raffaele Mutti. Milanese by birth, Tuscan by adoption. He is mad keen on the music of Prince, Japanese animation, cinema of all genres, classical literature, Shakespeare's theatre and that bizarre thing called “art”. He focuses on contemporary art because he believes in the importance of the hen of tomorrow. One day he met Carlo Pepi, who turned to him and said, in his whispered voice, “You have a bent for art”. And he believed it without asking questions. He lives in his car, driving around Italy, because he is convinced that curiosity rarely has a fixed abode.

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