Elegance of the mise en place • Spotlight on Mario Luca Giusti, founder of the homonymous Maison

His creations are the expression of a balance between refined forms and innovative materials

Elegant, sophisticated, eclectic. Refined designer Mario Luca Giusti redesigns the mise en place by investigating the perfect harmony between classic and contemporary. The creations become an expression of an absolute balance between refined shapes, sometimes regal, and innovative materials: glasses, carafes, trays and plates with bright colors, made of synthetic crystal, bring back a romantic grandeur. They outline the unique style of a Maison that transcends Italian borders and gains global consensus.

Born in Miami, Florida, Mario Luca moves with his family to Florence where he grows up in a culturally rich environment of stimuli, which will allow him to deepen his natural attraction for design. Attentive observer, he captures the mother’s passion for an aesthetic world in which he moves with unknowing naturalness, which strengthens her interest in the care of details and constant research.

In the historic family home in Forte dei Marmi, his mother was surrounded by famous people of culture and entertainment such as Eugenio Montale and Carla Fracci

He gets in touch, still very young, with famous people from the world of culture and entertainment such as Eugenio Montale and Carla Fracci, who spend their summers at Villa Fasola, historic home of the Giusti family since 1890. Youth shelter, the seaside house in Forte dei Marmi, becomes a theatre of meetings that will leave an indelible mark on his history as an entrepreneur and especially as a man.

When he was sixteen, he moved to Milan, hosted by Germana Maruccelli, one of the first promoters of Italian fashion and founder of the Bagutta prize. The designer, sensitive to the cultural ferments of the time, transforms her studio into a literary salon where poets such as Montale and Ungaretti and artists such as Fontana, Casorati and Campigli meet.

Brightly coloured glasses, jugs, trays and plates made of synthetic crystal gave him global acceptance

For the future designer, these are decisive years, which will lead him to hone a strong sensitivity for style and mark deeply his personal growth. Once back in Florence, he founded a publishing house and published important theatrical texts and art catalogues. He will then take care of the historic family footwear company, founded in 1865, studying the use of color and proportions, valuable elements for the creation of objects that years later will carry his name in the world.

In 2005 the turning point: the homonymous Maison “Mario Luca Giusti” was born, which will make him one of the leaders of Italian interior design. An idea born almost by chance, shared with his daughters Federica and Maria, who follow him in a constant path of growth. An inspiration that follows the instinct of those who still seek beauty, in a world that runs fast. A legacy that Mario Luca will leave to the women of his life, always protagonists of his journey.

The Author

44 Post

Da Milano alla Versilia, dagli studi di giurisprudenza all’amore per l’arte e per la scrittura, è in una continua ricerca di sé che non si è ancora conclusa.
Si trasferisce a Pietrasanta dove ha l’opportunità di collaborare con l’amico pittore Domenico Monteforte alla realizzazione di interviste a personaggi noti del mondo artistico per l’editoriale Giorgio Mondadori; Dice che l’incontro con il direttore di AW ArtMag le permette di seguire e approfondire le sue vere passioni. Ama viaggiare e leggere, specialmente davanti a un tramonto sul mare.

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