Giuseppe Calandriello

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Giuseppe Calandriello was born in Pietrasanta on June 29, 1979.
After his artistic studies he graduated in Cinema, music and theater.
His writings, articles and conceptual works are published in the anthologies Tuttologia e Contro Zam, Nuova Tèchne, Scrivere all'infinito, Offerta Speciale, Athe(X)ehtA, ToCall, Otoliths, DOC(K)S, ARTEiN, Die Leere Mitte, Frequenze Poetiche, Wipe, Lettere, ASEMICS, OUSTE, Antologia Ad Hoc, BAU, Franticham's Fluxus, t.a.z., Busta Sorpresa and KART.
Among the online magazines that have published his works, Apuntozeta, UTSANGA, The New Post-literate, Counterclock, Carte nel Vento, Cultura Commestibile and
In 2019 he publishes the short story "Cose che volano" and in 2020 the collection of aphorisms “Chi cerca non trova”.
He wrote the screenplay for the movie "Anja - Real Love Girl" and the short movie "La Reliquia".

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