I am looking for the Stendhal syndrome - Daniele Comelli: from the digital to the real site

He comes from a family of well-known gallery owners. After years of exclusively web activity, he has now opened a home in Genoa

Daniele Comelli Art was born as an online gallery and, from March 2024, it acquired the physical dimension. We opened a physical space so that customers would appreciate the works to the fullest. Observing a sculpture or a painting in the right light and place is an experience that can trigger intense sensations. You have to design the space and the lighting well. We used spotlights with warm light to create a welcoming environment. On the wall rails, we installed paintings with transparent wires, which seem suspended. The sculptures are placed on black columns and on the floor. The walls are in two shades: anthracite and white. We also created a small living room.

You have an important family art imprint.

Mine is a well-known family of gallery owners, active since 1967. I learned the trade from my father, who passed on a deep passion to me. For some years now, I have been on my own path. I went from historicized to contemporary pop, which, so colorful and seemingly carefree, represents my tastes and my personality. The desire to change has pushed me towards finding new talents and channels to promote them. For example, art delivery and e-commerce. The online allowed me to expand the offer to an international audience. I also worked a lot with social networks. The union of these instruments was fundamental for my ascent.


You have an illustrious clientele. Do VIPs bet on the up-and-coming or prefer the historicized?

Both. Many VIPs want to play it safe and choose big names. Others believe in emerging projects. I think of the artist Daniele Oldani, really talented and appreciated by them. In general, today’s collectors often buy as a form of investment.

You travel all over the world. What Italy could learn.

Economic logic must not be the driving force behind cultural events. I am against blockbuster events, public capture. Art, especially in Italy, must be preserved for future generations. There have been countries which are budgeting large amounts of money for culture. Italy is among the last places and has the largest and most important heritage on the planet.


You’re working on excellent partnerships.

I set up Alpemare, the extraordinary Andrea Bocelli beach club in Forte dei Marmi. I was asked for artworks representing sweets and candies. We chose two artists who specialize in this. Jonathan Griffith is pop and several of his works are bought by celebrities. He has produced colorful wall sculptures for Alpemare that represent his iconic Chupa Chups. Roberto Bernardi will exhibit the Equilibrists: resin sculptures on a marble base representing macaron totems and Oreo biscuits.

Have you ever had a love at first sight?

Love at first sight remains in the heart. In front of artworks by Daniele Oldani, Lino Lago, and Angelo Accardi, I had a shock. Art is subjective and irrational; it is emotion and sensitivity. Then, there are also objective criteria, such as technical ability and originality. An artwork must affect me, almost like a Stendhal syndrome.


The Author

53 Post

Freelance journalist and editorial assistant. From linguistic studies she bounces to those of engineering and arrives, through a process of kinetic liberation, to digital marketing. Performing at a gallery in Pietrasanta she meets the director of AW ArtMag in 2019 to which she binds professionally, combining the Stendhal syndrome for Boltanski to the excitment for editing. In the office, she is tête-à-tête with the PC. At home, she looks out of her window, thinking, writing and planning the next reportage.

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