Give us this day our daily museum

The Goal Is to Let the Museum Structure in Our Daily Life

My collaboration with AW – ArtMag starts with this issue. I will deal with small museums, unique collections, visionary characters, unconventional directors, but especially I will take the readers to discover how the museums are called to a change that will consider among its main goals, besides economic sustainability, entertainment, wellness, health, environmental consciousness, social responsibility and the sharing of a lifestyle in line with the new scenarios that will unfold at the end of the pandemic. We should not fear museums, but live them and experience them. Inside every issue I will deal with the new sections that soon will be part of every museum, starting from an essential concept: the general public will be at the center of the new strategies and the museum structure will be a part of its daily life.

A question to Domenico Piraina, director of the Palazzo Reale in Milan

The Covid-19 pandemic has created obvious problems, but it accelerated some changes in the world of museology.

Pandemics historically are, despite all their horror, tremendous agents of change; the one determined by Covid-19 significantly affects all the aspects of human organization, hence even museums and sociability. The outcome has been more or less devastating depending on the museum typology: it had a stronger impact for the ones attracting huge flows of visitors, a softer one for the others. Over the medium term the situation will more or less be reabsorbed and, probably, at the end of the pandemic, the demand will grow up again. That’s why museums must get ready to present a culturally attractive and high-quality offer. Among the positive aspects of this forced stop are: the discovery of new digital opportunities, the valorization of studies and researches carried out by scientists who have had more time at their disposal, the enhancement of new museum functions, the “critical” reconsideration of the organization and museum management that are more and more incorporated to the flows of visitors.

The national archeological museum in Luni

Luni means history, narration, territory and memory. Visiting Luni is like making a journey through time that is not confined to the best-known ages, the Roman ones, but it becomes a visual excuse for reflecting on the following centuries too. Talking about Luni without analyzing the landscape and the historical evolutions that it experienced would not allow to understand the motives of the Romans on the choice of this land as a strategic point for the trading of marble. The ruins of the city, born on the foundation of a bloody battle which was rooted in the long-time conflict between the fierce Apuan Ligurians and the Romans, are today offered to the visitor through a pervasive and liquid experiential narration. Without the past the future would not exist. Sometimes it is not necessary to dream or imagine: everything is before our very eyes. After visiting the Archelogical Museum in Luni nothing will look like before.

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