That Subtle Thrill That Accompanies Creativity

Among Eduardo De Filippo's memoirs, another extraordinary anecdote pops up. It is 1946, the war has recently ended. The playwright had finished the draft of 'Filumena Marturano' and took advantage of a family evening, among a few friends, to give it an intimate preview. At the end of a passionate, attentive and intense reading, he looked up from his notes and noticed that everyone was crying. Titina, his sister, came up to him and kissed his hands through her tears. A long, moving, poignant, melancholic silence to celebrate yet another masterpiece of that genius. 
I imagine in a creative way; how many such scenes of this type have been repeated around the world. Artists who, after creating an opera, have presented it to family, relatives, friends and shared these emotions. Musicians who have created unforgettable arias in search of a nod of approval. And the same applies to men of letters, sculptors and filmmakers. A horizon eternally in motion, ready to produce from its own restlessness the enchantment, the magnificence, the splendour to be brought to humanity’s honour. How many tears, cries of joy, how much underlying pain that then explodes on those canvases and pages. Utterly familiar microcosms where genius works intrepidly, obscurely and silently. Moving in infinite, unprecedented, divining, dusty pentagrams. That constant, extreme effort to collect within oneself one's own experience and then transfer it elsewhere, through imagination, flair and genius. A tortuous, difficult, enigmatic, utterly individual journey that has no moorings whatsoever, moving completely out to sea among the waves of uncertainty and unpredictability. One struggles with bare hands, often in absolute solitude, with the ghost of creativity, trying to bend it with our imagination, to our uncertain rules and instincts. Often drawing an impromptu, unknown parable, of which we know little because we don’t know how it will end. Before shaping inspiration with the anxiety of confrontation.
That subtle thrill that caresses our soul, with the trepidation and pathos of a deep emotion.

The Author

21 Post

Custodisce mille interessi. Giornalista, saggista, medico chirurgo plurispecialista, ma soprattutto napoletano, il mestiere forse più difficile e complesso. Ama la vivacità culturale, le tesi in penombra, la scrittura raffinata e ribelle. Ma ama anche la genialità del calcio e la creatività dell’arte. Crea le sue rubriche settimanali su alcuni quotidiani nazionali muovendosi sul pentagramma del costume, dei new-media, della cronaca. È stato più volte senatore e parlamentare della Repubblica perché era affascinato da quella battaglia delle idee che oggi sembra, apparentemente, scolorirsi.

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