Meglio l'arte del Prozac - Lorella Pagnucco Salvemini

Meglio l'arte del Prozac - Lorella Pagnucco Salvemini.
Italia oggi - 8 gennaio 2025. L'autrice ringrazia il direttore responsabile Pierluigi Magnaschi e il recensore Fausto Cagidemetrio per l'accurata analisi.

The Author

53 Post

Freelance journalist and editorial assistant. From linguistic studies she bounces to those of engineering and arrives, through a process of kinetic liberation, to digital marketing. Performing at a gallery in Pietrasanta she meets the director of AW ArtMag in 2019 to which she binds professionally, combining the Stendhal syndrome for Boltanski to the excitment for editing. In the office, she is tête-à-tête with the PC. At home, she looks out of her window, thinking, writing and planning the next reportage.

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