When Fear Takes the Place of Beauty: art withdrawal

Yellow, orange and red zones. At least all over Italy; no museum, gallery, art fair, no theatre or cinema can be accessed. It seems that beauty has been replaced by fear. We live immersed solely in a din of hammering, monotonous, disheartening TV, monopolized by an army of virologists, infectious disease specialists spin doctors, anchormen and politicians. The result creates delirium and confusion. What are the consequences?

That fragile line between art and covid: the Virus Has Also Taken Away the Romanticism of Art

The year that has just passed has left us with words that draw a fragile line. Apparently, among a thousand thoughts, a strange, almost unconscious optimism pervades the country. Constantly, on television screens, in these first weeks, the images related to the first vaccinations: smiles, sweet declarations, the exit from the tunnel that finally seems clear, explicit in front of us.

We Are Not Surprised by Anything Nowadays: beauty, where are you?

“It’s the poet’s end of wonder” decrees Giovan Battista Marino, a great Baroque poet from Naples. Maybe we have become too little poetic and have forgotten excitement, the delicious capacity to experience wonder, but she is there, crouched and even though numb, ready to reawaken. We need beauty.

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